base space

美 [beɪs speɪs]英 [beɪs speɪs]
  • 网络底空间;基础空间;从基础空间;基点空间
base spacebase space
  1. In this paper , we study the relationship between the category of double mapping cyclinder and tile categories of two base space .


  2. In this paper , base space of dynamic system is improved , requiring base space is non-compact , so as to change compact symbol dynamical system or finite dynamical system to generalized symbol dynamical system , which mainly about countable symbol dynamical system .


  3. The Research on the Base Space of High-rise Construction in the City Space Environment


  4. The Comparative Study of DNA Walk in 3 - , 2 - and 1-Dimensional Base Space


  5. This paper shows that on a complete random normed module , there exists a nonzero continuous linear functional if and only if there is at least an atom in its base space ;


  6. Pujiang Town , Minhang District , Shanghai vegetable breeding base space as an example , the actual practice of the contents of the above , with a view to the practice of leisure agriculture landscape design help .


  7. The Structure of Urban Space Systems Base on Space Syntax


  8. The concept is a generalization of fuzzy linearly ordered base topology space .


  9. The connectivity between the application modules and resource base of space mission simulation system is realized by agent .


  10. Steel structure is base of Space Parking System . Its design variability and plot workload is very huge .


  11. But we thought you can do it for a lot less cash if you base your space rocket on a car .


  12. These concepts are a generalization of fuzzy linearly ordered base topology space and fuzzy linearly ordered net topology space .


  13. Filtering algorithms base on space , frequency , wavelet and time have been introduced to reduce noises caused by environmental and lighting conditions in the video image sequences .


  14. Because the base of space manipulator is not controlled and it is free-floating , the dynamic equations of space manipulator system no longer be linearly parameterized .


  15. The close-to-earth spatial environment resource information storage and managing technology is the base of space research and spatial environment resource information will become important part of close-to-earth spatial environment base establishment .


  16. A artificial or fictitious GPS signal system with high fidelity has been developed in USA. The fictitious signal radiation emission equipment can land base , space base or air base .


  17. Controlled Ecological Life-support System ( CELSS ) is one of the key technologies that must be solved before founding permanent base in space such as Lunar or Mars base .


  18. Then we analyze the variation of HITS algorithm : Spatial Vector Projection . The theory base of Space Vector Projection HITS is that full trust the authoritativeness of root collection .


  19. In this paper , we introduce the concept of LF linearly ordered net topology space . The fundamental properties of the LF linearly ordered base topology space and the LF linearly ordered net topology space are presented .


  20. The evaluation of green spaces is the base of green space construction .


  21. The Base and Developable Space for the Education of Classical Culture under the Background of Globalization


  22. A new method was presented for the digital AC servo system without Hall element current sensor . This method base on vector space PWM .


  23. Also we used oxygen to replace the acetyl acetone base to minimize space steric hindrance to improve activity .


  24. On collision detection , the distance computation algorithm base on Voronoi space is exploited to make a quick interference judgment .


  25. On agricultural production , land resource is the most important means of production and object of labor ; on industrial production and urban construction , land resource is the irreplaceable base and spatial space .


  26. , Through constructing FOM / SOM , the way of how to build the federate of " the base factors of space environment " is explained in detail .


  27. The paper describes the 154m hangar design in Xiamen TAIKOO aircraft maintenance base . A space structure with the prestressed cable tie arch frame and space truss working together is adopted for this project .


  28. Section two is main contents containing definition of quasi-pair base and quasi-elastic space . Subspaces of quasi-elastic spaces are also quasi-elastic spaces . Quasi-elastic spaces are well-ordered ( F ) .


  29. The different types of rocks can be distinguished and the buried geological body can be revealed on the base of the space radar image feature , so this image had been applied to 1 ∶ 50 000 regional geological mapping .


  30. In the project design for Liaoning Machinery-Electricity Vocational-Technical College library & Modern Educational-Technical Center , the author describes some thinking and feeling in the design process of the building from the start-point of the consideration of the base environment , space sequence and traffic framework .
